Meeting Dates and Information
The Town Council meets twice a month, on the first and second Tuesday of each month in the Town Meeting Room. This meeting room is located on the second floor of Town Hall.
The first meeting of the month is the Special Town Council Meeting which is used to interview those citizens interested in serving on Boards and Commissions. The Council also uses this opportunity to meet with various town boards, commissions, and groups. The meetings begin at 7:00pm and are held in the Town Meeting Room.
The second meeting of the month is the Regular Town Council Meeting where all business before the Council is discussed and acted upon if necessary or appropriate. The meeting begins at 7:00pm and is also held in the Town Meeting Room.
Parking is available towards the rear of the building off School Street and various nearby municipal lots. All meetings are open to the public or may be viewed "live" on Facebook or Channel 22.
2024-2025 Town Council Meeting Dates